

Thank you for supporting League programs and services so that we can continue to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities! Together, we are able to work and play hard!

Founders Circle ($10,000+)

Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks

The Emmert Hobbs Foundation, Inc.

Mr. James Hettleman

Mr. Michael & Mrs. Barbara Hettleman

The O'Neil Family Foundation

T. Rowe Price Foundation

The Chapin Davis Foundation

The Southern Galvanizing Company

US Against MS, Inc.


Triumph Circle ($5,000-$9,999)

The Estate of Barbara Brill

The COUNT Program Foundation, Inc.

Dorothy Wagner Wallis

Charitable Trust

The Miles White Beneficial Society of Baltimore City

Mr. Ethan Nochumowitz & Mrs. Jessica Oring

PNC Bank

The Baltimore Rotary Club

The Philip and Harriet Klein Foundation, Inc.

Achievement Circle ($1,000-$4,999)

Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union

Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Barnett


Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Brooks

Terence & Sally Byrne

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Dodson

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dunn

Epsilon Xi Epsilon

Mrs. Anna Greenberg

Joyce Greenberg & Steven Deutsch

Ms. Marguerite Greenman

H.R. LaBar Family Foundation Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hartnett

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hecht

Mr. & Mrs. David Hodgson

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Katz

Mrs. Debra Koman

Lapidus Oring Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Brenda Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mehlman

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mehlman

Mr. Alvin Meltzer

Mutual of America

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nochumowitz

Dr. Oyebukola Oyediran

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Palmer

Mr. Ralph Rigger

Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Amy Slutkin

Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Cherie Snyder

Mr. Colin Smith & Mrs. Flannery McArdle

The First Presbyterian Church of Howard County

The Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc.

The Jane & Morton Silberman Charitable Fund

Drs. Harold Tucker

Mr. David Watts & Mrs. Ashley Ingraham Watts


Ms. Kimberle Bobinski

Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting

Mr. Antoine & Dr. Karen Burrell

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Carroll

Mr. & Mrs. William Cather

Mrs. Jane Cohen

Ms. Alison Elinoff

Dr. George Halpin

Mr. Fred Johnsen

Dr. Victor & JoAnn King

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Lenrow

Dr. & Mrs. Phil and Winnie Levinson

Dr. Robert Mayer

MileOne Cares

The Charity Committee of the Montgomery County Circuit Court

Allan Shapiro

SOS Technology Group

The Kingston Fund

Mr. & Mrs. George Veise

Ms. Betsy Walser

Mr. Samuel Wilkins

Eric & Lauren Yankolonis

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Zerwitz

Breakthrough Club ($100-$499)

Mr. & Mrs. John Abosch

Ms. Angela Ahmad

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Allen

Mr. Angelo Alonzo & Mrs. Nancy Reynolds

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. James Arnold

Dr. Curtis Baysinger

Harold Beavers

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Belgrad

Tom Blanchard

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Blum

Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Brodie

Mr. Lowry M. Brooks Sr.

Rita Cain

Ms. Rebekah Carmichael

Mr. & Mrs. Atul Chojar

Mrs. Susan Coller

Helen Cook

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cosentino

Mr. & Mrs. David Dafner

Luisa Damgaard

Mr. Ronald Decker

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Derman

Dr. Elizabeth Dicembre

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Doran

Mr. Gregory Draper

Mr. Benjamin Dubin

Mr. & Mrs. John Duncan

Ms. Breanna Durst

Ms. Laurie Elinoff

Rachael Evans

Mr. Oram Fields

First Financial Federal Credit Union

Ms. Mindie Flamholz

Frances and Howard Schloss Family Philanthropies

Mr. Stephen R. Freeman

Mr. Dennis Frey

Mr. Harvey Galper

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Gede

Mindy Geppi

Ms. Vanessa Gibson

Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Goldman

Mrs. Donna Goldstein

Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Goodman

Ms. Donna Gotsch

Karin Green

Ms. Alberta W. Hall

Ms. Edith Harrison

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Hudson

Ink + Numbers Networking

Ms. Janice Jackson

Ms. Elizabeth F. Johnson

Mr. Phil & Mrs. Mary Johnson

Mrs. Ann Kahan

Mr. Carlton & Mrs. Gabriella King

Mr. Jonathan W. Kolker

Ms. Margaret Kostopoulos

Ms. Sonia Lawson

Ms. Suzanne Levin-Lapides

Drs. Robert & Gail Liss

Ms. Amy Macht

Mr. & Mrs. Howard & Sheila Maleson

Ms. Kathy Mangan

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn F. McAvoy

Mandy Mcclung

Ms Sherylind McCoy

Mrs. Marie McNamara

Mr. & Mrs. M. John Meyer

Mrs. Barbara Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Mullan

Mrs. Audrey Neely

Mr. Lewis & Mrs. Barbara Allan Noonberg

Dr. & Mrs. Martin Passen

Mr. Russell L. Patterson

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Peddy

Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Pierson

Ms. Carla Pifer

Dr. Lin Reicher

Mr. Salvador Rizzo

Mr. & Mrs. Howard I. Saiontz

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Schaftel

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schenker Epstein

Mr. & Mrs. C. William Schneidereith Jr.

Amy Scott

Ms. Sarah Shapiro

Ms. Martha Socolar

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sterlock

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sylvester

Mr. Phil Symonds & Mrs. Leslie Sporn-Symonds

Jennifer Tahan

The Baltimore Ravens

The Legum Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Thorpe

Mr. Philip & Mrs. Eileen Toohey

Ms. Eileen Vining

Mr. Dale Walker


Ms. Michele Walsh

Patrick Warner

Mr. & Mrs. W. Craig Waters

Dr. Michael Weinrich

Mr. Philip Wetzler

Ms. Janet Wilson

Mr. Alfred A. Windesheim

Mr. Carl Young

Mr. Chris Zegal


Mr. Emmanuel Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bender
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Blum
Ms. Lucia Marie Brocato
Mr. Dean Bross
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Bumbaugh
Ms. Bridgette Byrd
Dr. Deborah Carter
Mr. Paul Cerino
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Clark
Jean Curtis
Mr. Scott & Mrs. Robyn Dammers
Mr. Jerome S Danoff
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Davis
Kathy Davis
Allison Densmore
Melanie Dodson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dorsey
Ms. Marjorie Edmonds
Aaron Ellison
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ewing
Victoria Fields
Mr. Adam Finkelstein
Vanessa Finney
Ms. Virgie Foster
Tim Franz
Mrs. Carol Freeman
Ms. Arlene Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Frierson
Judy Frumkin
Robert Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Harris
Mrs. Jane Harrison
Chioke Hassan
Daralyn Hassan
Ms. Alice N. Hilbert
Ingredion Incorporated
Mr. Kevin Wayne Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John Kafka
Dr. & Mrs. Leon Katz
Mrs. Rosalind Kronthal
Ms. Patricia Lavenstein
Ms. Barbara A. Lingg
Mr. Joseph Lipari
Mrs. Loraine L. Lobe
Brooke Loudermilk
Ms. Maya Lovejoy
Mr. Shmuel Luxenburg
Matthias Manz
Michael Marange
Aidan McCord-Amasis
Catherine McManus
Diane Mills
Dr. Rob Minch
Janet Moisey
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Pacy Oletsky
Mrs. Patricia Padussis
Charles Parker
Dana Pease Witte
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pfister
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Pintzuk
Ms. Sylvia B. Piven
Octavia Ray
Ms. Clarice Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rodgville
Alan Rubin
Cynthia Savage
Mr. John H. Schaller
Michael Seidel
Mr. Richard A. Shutter, Jr.
Mr. Nathaniel Speights
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stamm
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie Suell Jr.
Conor Sutherin
Diane Turney
Verizon Foundation
Ms. Alison Vogrin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Volker
Marlene Wiley-Robinson
Mr. Keith Wolfe
Mrs. Marianna Womble
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Zatz


Bath Fitter


Mr. & Mrs. Earl Ihle Jr.

Silverman, Thompson, Slutkin and White

Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Amy Slutkin

The Southern Galvanizing Company

Tito's Handmade Vodka


TRIUMPH CIRCLE ($5,000-$9,999)

Mr. Wayne Bradley & Mrs. Nicole Urquhart-Bradley

Emergent BioSolutions

Mr. & Mrs. M. John Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Greenberg

Kitchen Saver

Mrs. Marilyn Levin

PNC Bank

Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Cherie Snyder

T. Rowe Price Foundation

ACHIEVEMENT CIRCLE ($1,000-$4,999)

Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union

Advance Business Systems

Baltimore Magazine

Baltimore Rotary Club

Breakthru Beverage

The Ellene "Brit" Christiansen Memorial Fund

Brocato & Shattuck

CareFirst BlueCross


Mr. & Mrs. Brett Cohen

Mr. Robb Cohen

Gregory & Renée Dash

Scott & Robyn Dammers

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Dodson

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dunn

David Fidler

First Financial Federal Credit Union


Dr. Barry & Mrs. Renee Gordon

Greater Purpose in Christ Ministry, Inc.

Mrs. Anna Greenberg

H.R. LaBar Family Foundation Fund

Mr. James Hettleman

Highview Construction

Mr. & Mrs. David Hodgson

Mr. & Mrs. Max Kates

Mr. Anthony Korolev

The Legum Foundation

Mrs. Suzanne Levin-Lapides

M&T Bank

Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital

Mullen, Sondberg, Wimbush & Stone, P.A.

Mutual of America

Mr. Ethan Nochumowitz & Mrs. Jessica Oring

Offit Kurman

Mr. Keith & Mrs. Jane Sopher

Drs. Jeffrey Palmer

The Perlow Home Team

Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.

PSA Financial

The Reginald F. Lewis Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Riter

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Rochlin

Mr. Jim & Mrs. Laura Rossman

Lori Scott

SOS Technology Group

Therafit Rehab


Walker & Dunlop

Mr. David Watts & Mrs. Ashley Ingraham Watts

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Weisberg

Whiteford Taylor Preston LLP

Eric & Lauren Yankolonis

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zuback


Mr. Nate Adams

Robert Ballinger

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Simon

Mrs. Jodie Buchman

Certified Title Corporation

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Coller

Mrs. Susan Coller

Atlantic Financial Federal Credit Union

Mr. Chuck Dammers & Mrs.

Becky Mangus

Mr. Bill Delauder

Mr. & Mrs. John Denick

Samora Dunn

Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Echard Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. David Golaner

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Hecker

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hemler

Mr. & Mrs. W. Carl Hossfield Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ingraham

Mr. David Jenks

Maria Joesten

Mrs. Pene Lloyd

Mr. & Mrs. Jared Kilberg

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Marsh

Dr. Oyebukola A. Oyediran

Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Perl

Regal All-Stars LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Renbaum

Mr. & Mrs. Doug Schreiber

Mr. Nathan Snyder & Mrs. Nicole Bonnin

Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Stark

Mr. & Mrs. Brad Stoddard

Mr. Todd Suskin

Ms. Michele Walsh

Mr. Philip Wetzler

Mrs. Dawn Witherspoon


Mr. Mickey Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Argenbright
Mr. & Mrs. Bradd Atkinson
Michelle Basto
Harold Beavers
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Belgrad
Thomas Blanchard
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Blum
Ms. Brenda Bryant
Mr. Andre Clemons Jr.
Mr. Clint Clifford & Mrs. Breanna Geppi
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cosentino
Lauren Curran
Mrs. Michelle Davis-Dash
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Delfico
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Doran
Mr. & Mrs. David Durant
Miss Breanna Durst
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Edelson
Mr. Stephen Ehudin
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Fabian
Mr. Joe Flynn
Ms. Kym Fox
Dan Fulmer
Mr. & Mrs. Lori Gajewski
Steve Gale
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gleason
Mr. Morris Gough
Ms. Daven Green
Dr. & Mrs. Ned Greenberg
Mrs. Kari Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Guercio
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hahn
Mrs. Amy Harlan
Ms. Mary Hathaway
Mrs. Julie M. Hettleman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hinkey
Jessica Holman
Ms. Sara Huber
Ms. Jessica Hutchison
Mr. Jason Jacobson
Ms. Doretha Johnson
Michelle Johnson
Ms. Rhonda Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Kahn
Kaiser Permanente
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Knable
Ms. Lauren Lake
Ms. Cindy Lam
Ms. Josh Lauren
Christopher Macchiaroli
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Matthews
Mr. David McCaskey
Ms. Charlotte McClurg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Messer
Ms. Sharon Metzger
Ms. Diane Mick
Ms. Aileen Miranda
June Naiki
Mr. & Mrs. Eli and Margie Neumann
Ms. Leah Penza
Mr. Larry Plant
Mr. & Mrs. Pudinski
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Theron Russell
Mrs. Margretta Ryan
Ms. Terri Seitz Parrish
Erin Sensibaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Shear
Lillia Sheline
Kyle Silver-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Smith
Mr. Sam Snyder
Mr. Babajide Solanke
William D. Stoffregen
Richard Stoneroad
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Sutorius
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Treuhaft
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tyler
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wallop
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wasserman
Kaashif Williams
Ms. Sallye Williams
Jen Zatina


Danielle Ames
Leslie Armstrong-Davis
Ms. Julie Badum
Ms. Deanna Barclay
Megan Bartlett
Kimberly Bell
Mr. Mark Beltran
Marva Blocker
Mr. Kenneth Brown Sr.
Mrs Una Brown
Delores Byrd
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Cardano
Robert Cardoni
Mrs. Ashley Carr
Mr. Kenneth Carter
Macie Chapman
Stacy Chestnut
Tyhesha Connell
Dominic DeFazio
Mr. Thierry Demosthenes
Ms. Grace Dively
Mr. Brendan Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Mady Doherty
Ms. Meghan Doherty
Mr. Glenn Durst
Krissy Ebb
Mr. Marcus Faulk
Dick & Sally Filling
Ms. Jessamine Finch
Ms. Kim Finch
Ms. Meredith Finch
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Fleury
Desmond Gayle
Alexandria Gethers-Savoy
Ms. Debra Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Glass
Ms. Ariana Greenberg
Ms. Symoi Halsoll
Ms. Aphaia Harper
Ms. Olivia Heldmann
Ms. Donna Hunt
LaToya James
Shannon Jenkins
Jenna Johnson
Shanera Johnson
Mr. Tyrelle Johnson
Mr. Neil Jones
Ms. Aime Karam
Adrian Kelly Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Klein
Mrs. Dawn Latorre
Robert Malandra
Mary Martin
Mrs Georgia Martin-Durst
Kristen Mattheeussen
Nick Miles
Ms. Caroline Mwangi
Ms. Susan Nash
Ms. Lauren Novak
Ms. Roslyn Olu
Ms. Eulonda Owens
Lianette Parker
Ms. Katie Parks
Lisa Pennington
Ms. Heather Pierce
Oliva Puglisi
John Rast
Mr. Rurik Rikhardsson
Marquia Robinson
Mr. Daniel Schmoyer
Mr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Shaner
Eulalia Silver
Ms. Angie Bentley Simmons
Billie Simmons
Ms. Morgan Simonet
Nash Simonet
Mr. Aaron Slutkin
Jo'Ann Smith
Mr. Willie Smith, Jr.
Lisa Smith-Dennis
Mr. Sam Spangler
Lynn Sprouse
Ms. Betty Stoffregen
Ms. Sharon Stoffregen
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie Suell Jr.
Mr. Zack Taylor
Ms. Beth Teixeira
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Torr
Kaylee Toth
Mr. & Mrs. Harel Turkel
Mr. Solomon Turkel
Mr. David Ushar
Mr. Warren Ushry
Deasia Washington
Ms. Jennine Washington
Barbara Whitkop
Ms. Sandee Widomski
Marlene Wiley-Robinson
Antoinette Williams
Larry Williams
Talera Williams
Tamera Williams
Hanna Yim
Alexandra Zablotny
Joseph Zebeck