Camp Policies & Procedures

Eligibility Policy:

The League’s Camping & Recreation programs are designed for children and adults who have physical, cognitive, emotional, or multiple disabilities and their families.

For Summer Camp, Respite Weekends, and Winter Camp, a majority of the campers will be served successfully at a 2:1 staffing ratio.  1:1 staffing support will be provided at the 1:1 tuition rate to campers receiving respite funding from the Maryland Medicaid Waiver for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Autism Waiver) for their registered session.  Additionally, the 1:1 ratio and accompanying 1:1 rate will apply to campers who are unable/unwilling to attend at least 70% of programs, campers who require increased staff support due to aggressive or self-injurious behaviors, campers with complex medical or physical needs, or campers who have previously been unsuccessful without this level of support, as determined by Camping & Recreation administration. The League is not able to provide 1:1 staffing for behavioral needs to participants attending Adult Vacation sessions due to the nature of the program.

After campers are in bed for the evening, staff are permitted to take breaks, at which time the ratio may vary up to a 6:1 camper to counselor ratio.  At 12am, staff are required to return to the cabins, at which time the above mentioned ratios will resume.  Overnight awake supervision is not provided during this time.  Campers must be able to sleep through the night (minimum of 6 hours) with minimal assistance.   Due to the fact that campers sleep in an open dormitory type setting, Camp Greentop cannot accommodate campers that are disruptive, sleep less than 6 hours, or are at risk of night time elopement.

For League Pioneers, all participants must be able to be successful at a 3:1 camper to counselor ratio due to the nature of the program.  Due to the staffing ratios and regulatory guidelines, League Pioneer sessions cannot be billed to the Maryland Medicaid Waiver.

After campers are in bed for the evening, staff are permitted to take breaks, at which time the League Pioneer ratio may vary up to a 10:1 camper to counselor ratio.  At 12am, staff are required to return to the League Pioneer site, at which time the above mentioned ratios will resume. Overnight awake supervision is not provided during this time. Campers must be able to sleep through the night (minimum of 6 hours) with minimal assistance.  Due to the fact that campers sleep in group tent setting, Camp Greentop cannot accommodate campers that are disruptive, sleep less than 6 hours, or are at risk of night time elopement.  The League Pioneer program is not able to accommodate participants needing assistance with ambulation due to the uneven and rugged terrain.

Due to the nature of Travel programs, all participants must be able to be successful at a 3:1 camper to counselor ratio. Overnight awake supervision is not provided. Participants must also be able to be left unattended for up to 30 minutes at a time.  Due to the staffing ratios and regulatory guidelines, Travel programs cannot be billed to the Maryland Medicaid Waiver. We are unable to provide services to travelers who are at risk of elopement or travelers with dangerous or aggressive behaviors.  The League’s Travel Camp program is not able to accommodate people with complex medical needs or needs that a Registered Nurse cannot delegate to a Certified Medication Technician.  Participants requiring assistance with transfers must be able to transfer with a standing pivot or must be able to be lifted comfortably by no more than two staff members.  All potential travel participants will be carefully evaluated to determine if The League can provide the care required for safe participation in our programs.

The League Camping & Recreation is not able to accept campers who require intensive 24 hour medical care or who require medical procedures not easily managed in a camp environment.  This is determined at the discretion of the director and/or the camp nursing staff.  We are also unable to accept participants who have or need an active restraint program, who are at a high elopement risk, or who are otherwise unable to tolerate social settings.  Other medical or behavioral needs may be assessed by the director as the need arises.

Camping & Recreation reserves the right to determine sending a participant home, at the participant’s expense, if a participant exhibits inappropriate behavior, is showing symptoms of illness, or is not having a successful recreational experience.  This includes, but is not limited to, participants who display aggressive behaviors, causing harm to either themselves or others, that is unable to be redirected.  Sending a participant home is done at the discretion of the director.  In these cases, the participant’s fee will not be returned.

In accordance with Federal law, this agency is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.  If you have a complaint, please let us know.  You also have a right to contact the Maryland Commission on Human Rights directly at: 6 St Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21201 or 410.767.8600.


Tuition Policy:

Final payment is due by May 15th for summer programs, or one week prior to your year-round program.  Please make checks payable to "Camp Greentop" and mail all payments to the Baltimore office at 1111 E Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore MD 21239.  Unless other arrangements have been made, you run the risk of losing your spot in the program if payment is not received prior to this time.  If you registered online, you can log into your account by clicking here to make payments via Visa or Mastercard.

Service Agency Funding: We understand that service organizations will often pay after camp.  With that in mind, in order to credit the monies that a service organization is committing to you, Camping & Recreation must receive a Letter of Intent for Funding form.  In return, Camping & Recreation will invoice that organization directly and we will credit your account.  Camping & Recreation makes every effort to collect money committed by service agencies for your camping programs.  Should an agency deny funding for any reason, regardless if Camp has a Letter of Intent for Funding form from them, the family is responsible for payment of any unpaid balance.


Autism Waiver:

If you are utilizing Autism Waiver respite hours to pay for your camp program, The League must receive a Plan of Care listing The League as a provider and designating the appropriate number of respite hours to cover your camp session(s).  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify their Autism Waiver Coordinator of the participants' intent to participate in a program offered by The League Camping & Recreation and to request the appropriate number of respite hours in advance of the program.  The Autism Waiver Coordinator will then amend the Plan of Care to allocate the appropriate number of respite hours to The League.  If Camping & Recreation does not receive an updated and current Plan of Care prior to your camping session, you are at risk of being denied services until that Plan of Care is received.  Please note that Autism Waiver respite hours will cover traditional camping sessions only and League Pioneer or Travel programs are not eligible.

Hours billed to Medicaid are split among days that the participant is at camp.  If for any reason you are not at camp on certain days, Camping & Recreation will still bill the full amount of hours for the camp session, but hours will be reconfigured and billed only on days the participant attended camp.


Cancellation/Refund Policy:

Camp Programs: Participants who are unable to attend their scheduled camp program will receive a refund for tuition paid minus the deposit if notification is made with more than one week’s notice.  If a cancellation is made with less than 7 days notice, no refund of tuition payments will be made. Campers utilizing the Autism Waiver to pay for their camp session will not be required to pay the cancellation fee. However, The League reserves the right to discontinue future services for campers utilizing the Autism Waiver when services are repeatedly cancelled with less than 7 days notice. Exceptions to this rule may be made at the discretion of the director with documented proof of medical emergency.

Travel Programs: Changes or cancellations made at least 30 days prior to trip departure will receive a refund for tuition paid minus the deposit and any pre-purchased portion of the vacation package. Trips cancelled after the 30 day deadline will still require full payment.  Exceptions to this rule may be made at the discretion of the director with documented proof of medical emergency.  For reasons of safety, travelers may lose their space on the trip if necessary paperwork, including all medical forms, is not received by the due date.  Change/cancellation penalties may apply.  There will be no refund for cancellations or delays due to weather.  Changes to airport or departure and en route plans are considered a change in itinerary and penalties may apply.  Travelers may be refused on the trip if he/she shows up in ill health or without all medication and dosage for the trip plus one day.  No refund will be issued if a traveler is refused boarding due to lack of identification or other reasons.


Health Services:

For all Camping & Recreation programs, there will be staff trained in Medication Administration, CPR, and First Aid on site 24 hours per day.  For League Pioneers programs, a nurse is readily accessible at all times.  Travel programs will have a nurse on-call at all times.  All other programs (traditional camp, weekend respites, and winter camp) will have a nurse on site for the duration of the program.  There is a physician on call 24 hours per day for all programs. Emergency care will be provided as needed.  All medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, must be turned in with the health center staff upon check-in.  Please do not pack any medication in the luggage that gets dropped off at the cabin. This includes lotions, creams, or ointments.

Health Services in our programs are limited to procedures that can be safely delivered by the staff provided.  The League Camping & Recreation is not able to accept campers who require intensive 24 hour medical care or who require medical procedures not easily managed in a camp environment.  This is determined at the discretion of the director and/or the camp nursing staff.  Potential travel participants will be carefully evaluated to determine if their medical needs are able to be accommodated while on the trip.

Please note: Campers who are not well upon arrival at camp will be sent home.  Campers are screened by our health center and cabin staff upon arrival.  No camper will be admitted if, upon arrival, he or she is suffering from any skin or respiratory infection, open bed sores or any evidence of head lice.  If a participant displays a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more, they will need to leave the camp facility until they are fever-free for a minimum of 24 hours with no fever-reducing medication.  If a participant exhibits multiple symptoms (i.e. vomiting, diarrhea, fever) or if symptoms are reoccurring, the participant will need to be picked up from their program until they are symptom free for a minimum of 48 hours, without the use of medication.

If the camper requires any specialized health care while at camp, please bring the necessary equipment.  This includes any nebulizers, CPAP machines, g-tube supplies, etc.  Also, if a Hoyer lift is used on a daily basis at home, please bring a lift with you to camp.  This is to ensure not only the participant’s safety, but also the safety of the staff.

Please contact Brynna McMillan, RN if there are any questions about a participant’s specific medical needs at [email protected] or 443.970.3164.


Referral Discount Policy:

The greatest compliment that one of our families can give us is to recommend our Camping & Recreation program to others.  Since word of mouth is the best advertising we can get, we want to encourage our families to tell others about Camp Greentop programs.  So, Camping & Recreation is now offering a referral discount to our current families!

Please click here to see program rules.

Thanks for letting others know what a great program Camp Greentop is!